Make a donation »
You can make a donation online conveniently and securely, or you may send your gift to:
SBCC Foundation
721 Cliff Drive
Santa Barbara, CA 93109
(Make checks payable to SBCC Foundation.)
Become a Recurring Donor »
Recurring donations provide consistent support for the SBCC community. Giving monthly or quarterly is easy and can be cancelled at any time. It’s also efficient: you reduce our mailing and administrative costs, putting even more of your gift to work.
To enroll, select an option from the “Choose a Frequency” drop-down menu on the SBCC Foundation donation form.
Donate Stock or Other Appreciated Assets »
Donating stock to the SBCC Foundation can be a tax-wise and convenient approach to providing critical support to SBCC. For more information, please download these instructions.
Make an IRA Charitable Rollover »
Make a tax-free gift to the SBCC Foundation directly from your IRA! To qualify for this tax benefit, you must be age 70½ or older. Transfer up to $100,000 from your IRA directly to the SBCC Foundation and avoid paying income taxes on the amount you donate.
IRA rollover gifts also count towards your required minimum distribution (RMD). Your gift will not count as income, thereby saving you taxes while fulfilling your RMD obligation.
Give with Cryptocurrency »
Support Santa Barbara City College by making a charitable gift in Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency. We accept donations in Bitcoin, Ethereum and many more leading cryptocurrencies.
Donating cryptocurrency is a non-taxable event, meaning you do not owe capital gains tax on the appreciated amount and can deduct it on your taxes. This makes Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrency donations one of the most tax-efficient ways to support your favorite cause.
Donate From a Donor Advised Fund
Make a gift to the SBCC Foundation through your donor-advised fund (DAF) by contacting Sarah Stretz at or (805) 730-4412.
Note that DAF donations cannot be used to fulfill pledges, purchase event tickets, or allow the donor to receive personal benefits, including goods and services.